Nearly one million people in Nicaragua lack adequate shelter.
Our housing program aims to reduce the housing deficit in the country by building dignified houses and in addition, building community-level infrastructure including clinics, schools, and community centers to provide families what they need to improve their livelihoods.

We implemented the innovative concept of a planned community with the objective of providing solutions for infrastructure and personal development to communities. The implementation is done in alliance with the community, local municipality, and ANF’s technical team. The main components of these projects are housing, water and sanitation, community infrastructure (schools, health centers, community centers, recreational facilities, workshops), governance, health education, legal registration of water committees, community organization, and business plans.
We aim to reduce the housing deficit in the country by building dignified houses for highly impoverished families in Nicaragua, especially in remote and disaster-prone areas. These homes are fully equipped with two bedrooms, toilet, furniture, and potable water system.